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Punching bag

Discover our range of punching bags and punching balls. You will also find punching targets, grappling dummies, wall uppercut targets for all your training sessions!

Showing 1 - 72 of 83 items

Punching bag

Why use a punching bag?

Still hesitating to buy a punching bag?
No doubt, after reading the benefits we're sure you'll take the plunge!

  • improvement of accuracy
  • cardio work (so better endurance)
  • work on position (so footwork is improved)
  • strength development (and yes, hitting builds muscle and strength)
  • stress reduction, letting off steam allows you to evacuate the tension accumulated throughout the day
  • help with coordination (by practicing with adapted equipment, you can coordinate your attacks, gain agility and develop your balance)
  • Apprehension of distance and real combat (feeling for strikes)

Now it's up to you to play!