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Water Boxing Bag, Metal Water - MBFRA455N, Metal Boxe

Price (tax incl.) :
149,99 €
Availability :
in stock
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The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is 1
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Water Boxing Bag, Metal Water - MBFRA455N, Metal Boxe

These bags are a unique boxing or MMA experience. They are also perfect for weight training or judo.

Thanks to the properties of water, they allow you to be as close as possible to the real sensations of a fight!

It allows you to better apprehend combat by reproducing the sensations of contact with the opponent.

SizeMetal Boxe ReferenceWeightDiameter
MMBFRA455NM35 kg40 cm
LMBFRA455NL55 kg45 cm
XLMBFRA455NXL85 kg53 cm

Product #42106

Discipline :

Sold :
individually, empty
Color :
Diameter :
40 cm, 50 cm, 45 cm
Weight :
+/- 35 kg, +/- 55 kg, +/- 85 kg

Discount on cart :
Estimated delivery :
Fri 14th - Wed Feb 19th

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