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Throwing weapons

Discover our range of throwing and projection weapons! Nearly 50 references of shuriken, bows, knives and daggers to complement your disciplines and help you work on your precision

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Throwing weapons

What is a throwing weapon?

A jet weapon, or throwing weapon, is basically the use of arm strength to hurl the weapon.
To illustrate how these weapons work, just take the example of knife throwing, a very impressive spectacle requiring precision and agility.

There are a large number of jet weapons, we count 8 available at DragonSports.


Shurikens come from Japanese culture and were widely used by ninjas.
Nowadays, it is a weapon used in the practice of shurikenjutsu.
Shurikens are no longer used to injure but more to distract the enemy.

Contrary to popular belief, it is a weapon that is not widely used in Europe moreover it requires excellent control.
Beware, a shuriken is still a dangerous weapon. It is a very fast weapon and its total mastery implies daily training.


Throwing knives have been democratised thanks to shows featuring extraordinary feats; the traditional knife throw.
In theory, the principle is quite simple: throw knives at a target (the goal is not to aim at people :) ). The throwing knives are extremely sharp and balanced to be as exact as possible.

The different types of materials for throwing knives :
  • Stainless steel,
  • carbon steel,
  • damascus steel
The different types of throwing knives
  • silk throwing knives
  • one-piece throwing knives with handle
  • single-piece throwing knives

A dagger is a short double-edged weapon.


You have probably played cards at least once in your life!
Here you have the possibility to throw playing cards to improve your accuracy.

Needles The points of the judge (or pan guan bi) Axes Arrows

For throwing practice, we also recommend the use of targets to improve your accuracy.

What is a draft weapon?

A line weapon, or throwing weapon, is one that requires a mechanism (other than human strength) to send the weapon.
As an example, take archery: you need not only your personal strength but also a mechanism (in this case the bow) to project your weapon (the arrow).

We note the 2 main draft weapons:

  • the bow
  • and kusarigama.
    It is a weapon that works with a chain and is used a bit like a lasso. At the end of the chain is a metal ball that is used to disarm the opponent, create a safe zone or stun the opponent while fleeing.