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Inner mitts and hand wraps

Discover our range of undergloves and mittens. You will find protection according to your needs and levels of practice.

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Inner mitts and hand wraps

You might think that boxing bands are useless, yet they have a crucial role. This is because the bands are primarily used to protect the joints of the hand and wrist, keeping them from moving as much as possible on impact.
There are many small bones, ligaments and tendons, and the bands serve to hold them in place during the strike.

They also help to protect the skin in the strike zone and absorb perspiration.
In addition to protecting your hands and wrists, the bands also serve to protect the inside of the gloves, preventing perspiration from coming into contact with them.
This way you can just wash your bands and keep your boxing gloves clean.


The hands and wrists are put under a lot of stress during boxing, so it is important to take care of them. The most important thing when putting on your bands is to find the right amount of tension to keep the joints in place. If they are not tight enough, they will not stay in place. On the other hand, too tight they will be uncomfortable and can impede blood flow.

Our undergloves are made of cotton and/or polyester and provide great comfort. Discover a wide choice of undergloves and bands in various colours, which will best protect your hands and wrists. All our bands and under-gloves are at affordable prices, ensure a good support as well as a good hygiene throughout your trainings.