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Pair of weighted bracelets, Kwon

Price (tax incl.) :
13,99 €
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Pair of weighted bracelets, Kwon

As many benefits as there are uses.

Ankle weights help the legs work hard enough without breaking the muscle.
This will strengthen the muscle without making it particularly big, if your weights are adapted to your physical condition.
For your first times with this type of bracelets, go for the minimum weight at first so you don't hurt yourself because you may not feel any particular pain when you move but your body is working well.
Test this during your first month of daily exercise and if you don't feel any difference, then move to the next weight up and so on.
That being said, another thing to keep in mind is that changing weights in different exercises allows you to target small, hard to reach muscles and challenge them differently with the same movements.

If you have a physical job, you can carry the weight throughout your day.
This will allow you to build muscle without taking up your personal time to do so. Moreover, you will work your body in a natural way and this will allow you to have (among other things) less back pain, less feeling of heavy legs and sometimes even unconsciously improve your working positions.

This product worn at the ankles will mainly work your abdominal area, your hips, your buttocks, your lumbar and your legs.
Worn on the wrists it will work your shoulder blades, trapezius and arms.
Wearing ankle weights will also improve your balance.


  • Strong nylon material.
  • Filled with iron granules.
  • Sold in pairs.
  • Main color: Blue
  • Velcro fastening
  • Available weights : 1 kg, 2 kg, 5 kg
  • Weight per bracelet : 500 g, 1 kg, 2.5 kg

Product #44499

Discipline :
Cardio, Fitness, Bodybuilding, Cross-training

Fabric :
Color :
Weight :
1kg, 2kg, 5kg

Discount on cart :
Estimated delivery :
Tue 17th - Thu Dec 19th

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