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Pair of 2 Chinese Scrolls - New Years, Nodes

Price (tax incl.) :
19,99 €
Availability :
in stock
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The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is 1
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Duilian gua shi

  • Set of 2 scrolls for the Chinese New Year. (two different sides)

Greeting Words for Chinese new year : «Jixiang ruyi» and «Nian nian you yu»

«Jixiang ruyi» :
Usually simply translated as :
- good luck and happiness to you.
Sometimes as :
- As heaven's blessings, so your desires
- Your desires match what heaven has given (i.e., your destiny)

«Nian nian you yu» :
Nian Nian = Year year (year after year ; year on year)
You = There is
Yu = litteraly abundancy ; same pronociation as "fish"
Different translation or interpretations :
- abundant year by year
- there's fish every year (there is money)

Size : 25 x 100cm

Product #11913

Sold :
by pairs
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Estimated delivery :
Fri 21st - Mon Feb 24th

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