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[DVD] Nan Quan Series - 38 Forms of Jinglong Life-enhancing Method

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Jinglong Baojian Yang Sheng Fa 38 Shi

Saying in southern Wushu: "Merge the boxing and qi into one." It means that the boxing origins from the qi. Therefore the Nanquan players must practice the internal exercises for life-enhancing. The Jinglong Life-enhancing Method is combined with the essential of the internal exercise of Buddha school, Sun-style Taijiquan, Wu-style Taijiquan, Liuhequan (Six Conformities Boxing) and so on, and it forms the unique South Boxing Life-enhancing Kung fu. It emphasizes that the abdominal respiration settling qi to Dantian and massaging the acupuncture points by energy. It has good effect on improving the function of heart and vein, respiration and digestive system, and accelerating the metabolism.

Démonstration: Chen Nian'en, chief coach of the Wushu Team of Brunei, Chief Coach of Huang Feihong Wushu Gymnasium, The Fourth Successor of Huang Feihong's Wushu.

Running time : 62m32s
Subtitles : Chinese, English
Format DVD-5 NTSC

Product #11443

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