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[DVD] Nan Quan Series - Buddhist Arhat Boxing

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19,99 €
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Fo Jia Luohan Quan

It is said that Buddhist Arhat Boxing, was passed down by a Lama from Tibet to a dignitary with Nanlin Temple in Guangzhou. Afterwards it was accepted by Southern WuLin (wushu circle) and became one of the Southern Boxing (Nan Quan). It consists of extending movements, changeful hand techniques, forceful punch, and fast footwork. It is essential combination of southern boxing techniques and northern leg techniques, so it is simple and easy to use for actual combat.

Demonstration: Chen Nian'en, chief coach of the Wushu Team of Brunei, Chief Coach of Huang Feihong Wushu Gymnasium, The Fourth Successor of Huang Feihong's Wushu.

Running time : 45m58ns
Subtitles : Chinese, English
Format DVD-5 NTSC

Product #11442

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Estimated delivery :
Mon 29th Jul - Thu Aug 1st

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